Another Year at The Green Fair!

Another Year at The Green Fair!

We’re happy to have had another chance to exhibit at the provincial Green Fair which was held at the JK Irving Centre in Bouctouche, NB. This years fair was full of local elementary and middle school classes eager to learn more about some of the green initiatives in New Brunswick.

What is the Green Fair? It’s an annual fair held at a different location in New Brunswick each year and features some of the provinces leaders in the recycling and ‘green’ industry. From electric cars to composting, and wind power to recycling, the Green Fair covers a wide range of some of the biggest and most ambitious initiatives in the province. This years exhibitors included NB Power, Recycle NB, Fero Waste Collection, and more!

Think you’d like to attend the Green Fair in the future or even exhibit your green initiative? Keep an eye and ear out for details about next years event, who knows where and who it will be with!
