Divert NS Bicycle Tire Recycling Program Launched!
Divert NS is excited to announce a province-wide, free, Bicycle Tire Recycling Program. Nova Scotians can now bring their used, unwanted bicycle tires and tubes to any participating bicycle shop, or simply leave their old tires when having new ones installed.
The voluntary program officially launched on Thursday, June 7, 2018 at Hub Cycle in Truro, NS.
“It’s Environment Week and Bike Week,” says Divert NS CEO Jeff MacCallum, “the perfect time to launch Divert NS’ Bicycle Tire Recycling Program.”
Jeff was joined by Ben Buckwold of Bicycle NS, and hosted by Bruce Roberts, owner of Hub Cycle and a participating bicycle tire drop-off location.
Ben is happy to promote and support the new recycling program, saying one of the things that is so nice about cycling is that it has a very low environmental impact, particularly for an activity with a big transportation component.
“You see tires and inner tubes going into landfills, that’s a negative. Across the industry, that can be a significant amount,” says Ben. Through the Bicycle Tire Recycling Program, “we have the opportunity to make a strong, positive, environmental impact.”
Bruce is also excited to share this new initiative with his customers. He says that for years he’s been taking bicycle tires and tubes to the local landfill. “To tell our customers that we’re going to be able to recycle in a good manner,” says Bruce, “it’s going to be fantastic.”
Under the program, participating bicycle shops will partner with a local automotive tire retailer, where they will drop-off the bicycle tires and tubes they collect from the public. Divert NS will collect the tires and tubes from the automotive tire retailer and ship them to Tire Recycling Atlantic Canada Corporation (TRACC) in Minto, New Brunswick. TRACC will recycle them into new, value-added moulded rubber products, like cow mats.